United States Traffic Net
QSL Info Codes |
Send updates to support@ustaw.net The following is a list that members have indicated that they currently work or have worked in one of the occupations classed as Police, F, EMT or First Responders EMS (Civil Service): Also listed here: Military and VIP's. (no club info) in the Remarks field simply means you're not a club member yet. Members who can be worked for the USTNET Military Award have a code M and Members who can be worked for the USTNET First Responder (CIVIL SERVICE) Awards have one or more of the following codes: NOTE: AWARD CERTIFICATES FOR MILITARY AND CIVIL SERVICE WILL SHOW UP ON THE WEBSITE AFTER USTNET HAS AT LEAST 500 MEMBERS WITH THESE CODES. What are DETFPRMV ? D = Dispatcher at a Joint Comm. Center, County, City or Department level F = Firefighter including federal, state, county and city departments, F/T, P/T and volunteer V = VIP These show in NetLogger under the QSL Info |