The United States Traffic Net(USTNET) is a directed net, having a Net Control Station(NCS) and NCS appointed relay stations. We are a semi-formal group of amateur radio operator members but any operator can participate in the net as long as they hold a general or higher amateur radio license. We operate our net 7 days a week with Saturday being an FT8 net(for members only). We combine a purpose of Working All States(WAS and awards) with a social atmosphere and we encourage all newcomers to our net. The net is frequency agile, meaning that we don’t have a set frequency that we operate on so the use of the Netlogger application will enhance your net participation as it displays the frequency of operation, NCS, a list of all available stations on the net (with Names, Callsigns, locations) and an Almost Instant Messenger(AIM) window where a lot of additional social conversations are taking place. The frequency and other Net information will display below “Our Current and Upcoming Nets” while one of our nets is active.