US Traffic Net Lifetime Members

Top OP:Yes 4/23
Country:United States

Member Bio



Started the radio hobby in 1965 with my Dad who had been a radio operator in WWII, USN (USS Huse DE 145). I worked at my Dad’s side copying messages and callsigns and struggled with CW. I soon jumped into CB (KCT-1041) and saw my true potential in emergency communications after working multiple Category 4 and 5 storms on the Gulf Coast. Forty years later I breezed through the Technician test and finally completed my General. I enjoy the local QSO’s, ARES, RACES, SKYWARN, MARS, and I am always open for a good DX. I am a certified continuity and emergency preparedness professional with a “Go-Bag” in one hand and a HT radio in the other hand. I work VHF/UHF in the car and HF at home and whenever possible.

My rigs are a Yaesu FT-450 and a Yaesu VX8-DR. My primary antenna is a pair of G5RV’s in a N/S and E/W orientation about 50 feet up in the air.

My radio goals are to work stations on 160M, 23cm, start learning digital modes, and work Europe or South America. I also have a VHF/UHF SAT antenna and would like to make a EME contact.

73’s – W0WMM (Mark)