• Saturday 22nd of February 2025 21:17 GMT-0500

United States Traffic Net

Worked All States Awards Net


NCS Opening

My name is , my callsign is _______ and my US Traffic ID is ___ and I will be serving as the net control for this session of the US Traffic Net.
The US Traffic Net honors and encourages the contributions made for the betterment throughout our Amateur Radio Community.
Objectives of the net is to work for US Traffic Net Awards, Pass Traffic and Make Contacts.
The net is run by the net control station and all calls must go through net control or a designated relay station. Designated relays are ,____ , etc., If something is not heard by net control or a designated relay station, please say relay and wait to be acknowledged.
At this time, I’ll break the net for any EMERGENCY or PRIORITY traffic. Is there any EMERGENCY or PRIORITY traffic for this frequency? Please call now!
Are there any Relays for EMERGENCY or PRIORITY traffic call now?
Signal reports are based on the RS Scale, Readability and Signal Strength,

During the net the minimum acceptable signal report is a 21 and the maximum is a 59. Net Control or a relay must hear both stations acknowledge the correct signal report for the contact to be a good one. That will make the call official. All stations must identify with their full call sign when making or receiving a call.
For more information about signal reports, see the “What is a Signal Report” on the About US Traffic Net section on the Website.
Contacts made with a Combo station only count as one call.
Are there any stations wishing to make announcements or have any questions concerning the net before I continue taking check-ins?

We currently have guests stations logged in to the net, and on behalf of all members present, I’d like to welcome them to the net, and we look forward to each of them pursuing membership with US Traffic Net. Checkout or website @ www.ustaw.net for more information about US Traffic Net. We use a program called NetLogger to log contacts and to list check ins. We provide a link to NetLogger on our website but NetLogger is also available @ NetLogger.org

All net times are in Zulu, and the current time is ——.

This concludes this session of The United States Traffic Net. . Please visit our website at www.usawards.net . I’d like to thank the relays, loggers and everyone that participated in the net because without your assistance and participation, these nets wouldn’t be possible. Also, please checkout the website for Membership, Awards and relative Start times of the all US Traffic Nets. This net is officially closed at Zulu and this frequency is now open again. 73 everyone.