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Member Bio

Hey there! I’m an operator in the Fayette County area. I’m a member of the Fayette County Amateur Radio Club, Fayette County ARES, and a local SKYWARN spotter.


My fascination with radio stems from my fascination with computers! I’m a Software Engineer (I do DevOps/Kubernetes shenanigans) by trade, but I love a lot about more mature technology, since it’s very well understood, and far easier to grasp conceptually than some of the insane Cloud Native stuff I work with in my career field.


My interests in radio revolve around antenna design, low power contacts, low power digital modes, and all sorts of other things. I’m also getting more involved in local EmComm organizations, and hope to start volunteering for MARS and other similar organizations once I have my General and my HF rig set up.


Basically, if it’s black magic in radio, I like it! Things that don’t seem like they should work, but do. I’m a hacker at heart, and my day job involves a lot of Information Security, so I guess the shoe fits 🙂


If you want to learn a little more about me, feel free to check out my blog:


If my lack of updates and unusual writing style don’t exemplify my brand of brain worms, get on the air with me and you can open that can of worms at your leisure!