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Hi, I’m Paul. EE by trade. Tinkerer by nature. First licensed in Feb.2018 as KE8IXE, upgraded to Extra just 7 months later. My ham interests lie in POTA, digi modes, and antenna building. I am a member of the Steubenville Weirton Amateur Radio Control Club, SWARC. My shack currently consists of a Yeasu FT-710 Field as the main radio covering HF. I can choose between 2 antennas for this radio. The first is a 20m dipole about 20ft up hung in an inverted V with the end about 12Ft above Ground. Its fed with 75ft of RG8x through an ugly balun iinto the shack. The second is a 40m EFHW w 64:1 unun hung vertically about 60ft up. For VHF/UHF I have a few hh’s included the requisute UV-5r, also a TID H8, and a Radtel 450. Also, on loan from WV8WVF is an Anytone DV878. The antenna for VHF/UHF is a 1/4W ground plane about 12ft above ground.



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