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Member Bio

I’ll never forget the day my father came home with a National-NC33 Shortwave radio…from that moment on I was hooked on the sound of the far away stations and the strange sound of the thing called CW. Started as an avid shortwave listener and licensed in 1964 as WN3AVI making my contacts with a Heath AT-1 and the old standby NC-33. Operated on 40 mtrs using the only two crystals I had in the box. Enjoyed kit building and would love to build another Heathkit!  I obtained my General in 1977 and now working on my Extra. From Baltimore and have relocated for work into PA and MI….this looks like the final move after packing 14 times in 52 years.

Reside near the largest Michigan inland lake in Houghton Lake Michigan where we see highs in the upper 70s and lows in the -35 degree range…usually lots of snow and ice but just like the rest of the northern US that can vary greatly. Not much need for AC here! I run my rigs at the home QTH and at the camper near Lake Huron. Hope to retire mid 2021 and spend more time on Extra upgrade and station updates.

Currently running an Icom IC-7300, Yaesu FT-840, Yaesu FT-450D and FT-817 QRP rig into a ground mount 6-BTV and a G5RV . Small station but effective. Next step is to explore digital modes and find a club in my area.


OMISS #12387


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