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Larry G. Wells – KO4JYU

Received my Techncian License in 12/21/2020. After my neighbor gave me his TS130S Kenwood HF radio and all the accessories, I passed my General License on October 20, 2021.

My current ham shack consists of a IC-746 connected to a MaxCon OCF-3K80 approxiamately 35 feet in the air. The two meter antenna connected to the IC-746 is a Comet GP-3 located in my attic.

My two meter radio is a Yaesu 2980R connected to a Comet GP-9 and an Arrow 146-4SS dual Yagi anntenna located on a 40 foot flag pole with a RCA rotor.

Both radios are operated with foot switches and the microphones are Heil’s on a Gator Frame Works common beam.

My towers are really flag poles that consists of several sections stacked on top of each other. I use the pulley with the Maxcon but the two-meter yagi requires a boom truck for raising and lower. The GP-9 is attached to the eaves of my house. I would expect the GP-9 to be appromiamately 45 feet in the air.

My QTH is in a bowl with elevation being around 515 feet above sea level. Within a 200 yards in both directions are hills that reach 593 feet and 560 feet. But we make do.

I enjoy the hobby very much. My current longest HF contact is France. I also enjoy chasing the satellites with my Arrow 146/437-10 Satellite Antenna using two (2) Yaesu FT-65 HT’s.

In 2023 I purchased the Yaesu FT-891 for portable HF contacts. I puchased all the accessories to make a Man-Pack that weighs 25 lbs. Accessories include Armoloq rail sytem, Heil Headset, Powerwerx Bioenno 20 Ah LiFePO4 battery, 25 foot Spiderbeam and the Chameleon CHA LFS 8010 EFHW. Having so much fun with this rig.

In February of 2023 I installed an Arrow OSJ 146/440 Open Stub J-Pole connect to a TYT TH8600. The J-Pole is also mounted to flag pole about 30 feet.