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I am guessing many visit QRZ pages to check on QSL info.  I use N3FJP’s Amateur Contact Log also know as ACL.  It allows me to easily send my QSL info to Club Log, eQSL, LoTW, and QRZ so I do.  I mainly work 3905 CC nets, and OMISS nets.  The 3905 requires the exchange of QSL cards so I do send out QSL cards for those nets.  They also allow eQSL’s so if you want, you can skip sending me a card if you eQSL, but I will still send out a card unless it’s a no card needed club or you state you don’t want paper cards.

For OMISS contacts I just send electronic QLS’s but if you send me a card I will send mine to you.  That goes for any contact either from a worked all states net, FT8, POTA, or rag chew.

Recently I sent a batch of to the 3905CC buro with a check for postage.  It didn’t make it.  Mail is not perfect so if you are expecting a card and have not received it say in a couple of months from the contact, please email me and I will send another out.

And if any other questions feel free to email any time. 

Now with QSL’s out of the way I have made a significant upgrade to my station.  I am now running a Mercury IIIS amplifier along with a 1200 watt auto tuner that works well with the amp.  I love it.  Without the amp I could hear better than I could speak.  Now it’s the other way around.

The antenna is a DX Commander Signature 9.  I purchased this because I didn’t want to mow the grass around guy wires.  With the trees and bushes, I must avoid now, 3 more guy wires was more than I wanted to mess with.  I am more that pleased with the Sig 9.  When I was using it without the amp I removed the 10 to 1 LDG tuner because I didn’t need it.  I probably don’t need the 1200 watt tuner but I would like to protect the amp with a 1 to 1 match.

I just ordered an Isotron for 80 meters.  Some call it a dummy load.  We will see.  If it gets me out reasonably well on 80, I will order the 160.  

Got my liscence in 2001 after attending a hamfest that I found while monitoring with the RS scanner.  At the time our local RS dealer was also programming the units no extra charge if you wanted so the VHF repeaters were prego.  I walked up to a table with a book rack and asked which one do I need to study for my first liscence.  He handed be a Gordon West book.  A story probably similiar to many thousands of hams now.

So getting back in the hobby essentially in 2023, I got the Icom IC-7300 as did about half the HFers on the air and for good reason.  It is a great radio.  Using the Heil Pro 7 most of the time.  

So thanks for stopping by

73, Lance,

PS  QSL Direct, eQSL, 3905 CC Bureau, QRZ, or LoTW