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Thanks for your QSO! Due to a restrictive HOA, my antennas consist of a 135 foot end fed half wave with a MyAntenna transformer mounted at the eves 35 feet high, going out to a post 10 feet high. I also have a 150 foot section of aluminum rain gutter, with a 35 foot downspout section, tuned at the base with an MFJ auto tuner and 8 ground radials. I have received consistent 59 reports from W and E Europe, N and S America with 100 watts on the rain gutter, but primarily I use the EFHW now which is only slightly better than the rain gutter! I also have a 20m and 6m dipole, 6m vertical and 2m/440 vertical in the attic. I will probably never see a tower in my yard, so if you have one, yeah I wish I did too!
Radios are IC7300, FT991A, and IC706M2G. Mobile radio is IC2730A. All broadcasts are barefoot, 100 watts or less.
QSL cards will be answered with same. My QSL card has a picture of the Irbene Radio Astronomy Center in Latvia. I have covered every inch of the interior, except walking in the dish! It is one of many facinating relics from the Cold War era still able to be explored in the Baltics. Additionally, there are many WW2 battle sites to tour as well.